Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mini-BaBa and the 40 Monks

Although there isn't a ton new in our world, there are a couple pictures I just couldn't wait to share with ya'll. The girls and I have been puttering around Nashville, and making sure we get enough grandparent time every step of the way. Yesterday we met for Sonic with M & D and their awesome friends. It was super fun, not to mention that Monka went cuckoo-bananas for Dad's Strawberry-Limeade. She was hermetically sealed to the cup, and kept on chewing the straw waaaaaaaay after all the drink was gone!!

The Squeaker is finally turning into a real little baby, her acne and redness starting to clear up. It is amazing how different than Lilly she looks and acts. She is just as good as Monka, don't get me wrong, but so different. For starters, she definitely got Daddy's ears (lucky her) and has a completely different nose than her big sister. Don't know what it will look like yet, but it just has firmer cartalidge (sp?) in her nostrils and such. Also, she is a little runtier, in a cute way... The doc said she is in the 10th percentile for height, weight (6lb 11 oz), and head size. Hey, what a well rounded kid! Today is her 1st month birthday, and I could swear she hasn't gotten any bigger- but maybe that is how you forget that they were ever so small. It just sneaks up on you, and BOOM! They are 18 and moving out.

We have pencilled in a family trip to see Howard at the beach this summer; I only mention it because I can't wait to see the girls at the water. We took them to the beach at Old Hickory Lake a couple of days ago, and Lilly tried to dive in headlong. It was about 70 on the shore, but I bet the water was still about 50. Go figure, she is a little fishie just like her Momma.

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