Tuesday, April 28, 2009

O' Beautiful for Monkey Skies, for Cutie Waves of Munk!!

I think the theme of this monkey blog has to be Beauti-Monk-Ness. It never ceases to amaze me how beautiful the girls are, all of them! It is almost physically painful. This is the first recorded smile for Violet, too... My opening arguement.

Exhibit A: Monkey in her new monkey backpack and leash combo. It kinda hurts to look at. As you can see here, we are at the Rollerskating rink- she is modelling it while wishing she could skate. Unfortunately they didn't have her size, so maybe another day.

It started off cold last week... Exhibit B: Garden Gnome lookin' monk and bundled up sleepy mini-Munk.

*I think you could also refer to Lilly in this picture as the abominable snow monk from the coat she is wearing.

Exhibit C: Overall day at the Evans' house, as you can see. The weather was starting to warm up, and Squeaky is starting to look like a real kid!

But, this whole week has been beautiful and like 85 degrees, so we have been making the most of it every chance we get. Exhibit D: Naked as a Jay-Bird Monk!

Also, we had Emma this past weekend (her new moniker is MegaMonk) as you can see by Exhibit E: Extreme Mischeif

And lastly, a trifecta of proof (my Summation) that Mini is turning into a real kid.

Love you guys!!! More of you folks should come and visit, and get a loving head-pat from Lilly.