Boy Howdy, I tell you what!!! These baby monkies are growing faster than our garden! Lets see what all has happened lately. It has obviously gotten nice and toasty here in Tennessee. We have a great lake beach at Old Hickory Lake to go to, as well as the pool and M&D's house (haven't tried that one yet though). Monkey is a waterbaby, no surprise there... She goes ape for even a dripping faucet.
Aside from anything having to do with the ol' H20, Monk loves sweeping the most!
Jessie and I have been trying to take our weekly lunch to the park. We had a picnic is scenic Dragon Park in Hillsboro Village. Jessie and Monk wore each other out so much I am pretty sure Lilly went to bed at 5 and I didn't see her until 10 the next morning.
Violet has been working really hard on her peoples, as you can see here. This was even before all her miraculous weight gain.
Here is the aforementioned Old Hickory Lake Beach. It is great!!
Emma even took a while to shake it off, the drive back the next day could be described as peaceful....
Here Daddy was teaching Mini to eat her bottle by her self.. We will explain that below.
We had our three month check up for Itty-Bitty, and turns out she is a tidbit runty, so the doctor told me to supplement with formula. In the week between check ups she went from 8 1/2 pounds to 10 1/4! After that, she has kinda concentrated solely on eating a bottle. I don't take it personally though, I figure that her health is worth anything I can give her.
Fat n' Happy, TAH DAH!!!!
p.s. A big thanks to Mom n' Dad and New Mom for watching all the monkies while Jay and I were in California!!!!