Exhibit A: Monkey in her new monkey backpack and leash combo. It kinda hurts to look at. As you can see here, we are at the Rollerskating rink- she is modelling it while wishing she could skate. Unfortunately they didn't have her size, so maybe another day.
It started off cold last week... Exhibit B: Garden Gnome lookin' monk and bundled up sleepy mini-Munk.
*I think you could also refer to Lilly in this picture as the abominable snow monk from the coat she is wearing.
Exhibit C: Overall day at the Evans' house, as you can see. The weather was starting to warm up, and Squeaky is starting to look like a real kid!
But, this whole week has been beautiful and like 85 degrees, so we have been making the most of it every chance we get. Exhibit D: Naked as a Jay-Bird Monk!
Also, we had Emma this past weekend (her new moniker is MegaMonk) as you can see by Exhibit E: Extreme Mischeif
And lastly, a trifecta of proof (my Summation) that Mini is turning into a real kid.
Love you guys!!! More of you folks should come and visit, and get a loving head-pat from Lilly.