Tuesday, April 28, 2009

O' Beautiful for Monkey Skies, for Cutie Waves of Munk!!

I think the theme of this monkey blog has to be Beauti-Monk-Ness. It never ceases to amaze me how beautiful the girls are, all of them! It is almost physically painful. This is the first recorded smile for Violet, too... My opening arguement.

Exhibit A: Monkey in her new monkey backpack and leash combo. It kinda hurts to look at. As you can see here, we are at the Rollerskating rink- she is modelling it while wishing she could skate. Unfortunately they didn't have her size, so maybe another day.

It started off cold last week... Exhibit B: Garden Gnome lookin' monk and bundled up sleepy mini-Munk.

*I think you could also refer to Lilly in this picture as the abominable snow monk from the coat she is wearing.

Exhibit C: Overall day at the Evans' house, as you can see. The weather was starting to warm up, and Squeaky is starting to look like a real kid!

But, this whole week has been beautiful and like 85 degrees, so we have been making the most of it every chance we get. Exhibit D: Naked as a Jay-Bird Monk!

Also, we had Emma this past weekend (her new moniker is MegaMonk) as you can see by Exhibit E: Extreme Mischeif

And lastly, a trifecta of proof (my Summation) that Mini is turning into a real kid.

Love you guys!!! More of you folks should come and visit, and get a loving head-pat from Lilly.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Attack of the Flying Monkies!!

Let me start by saying that Easter this year was totally rockin! We had an honorary monk, Victoria- and her mom and dad- Ashley and Mikie, to visit and it was a wild time. There was an invasion of really huge flies in our house too. Random, I know?!? Just today I killed and picked up about 40 of these buggers, which are about the size of horse flies but thankfully don't bite. All weekend we were all fly-sassins and trying to get the Monkies not to eat the dead ones before we found them.
So, like I said, we had house guests, Victoria is 2 1/2 but just a little taller than Lilly, so they played hardy for all of Fri-Mon. It was hilarious because Vic speaks some english and they both speak fluent monkey so they understoood each other!

Saturday night the Easter Bunny came for the cuties and left some good bunny-bootie. In the morning we had the egg hunt, and I am thinking maybe next year we should request that Mr. Bunny doesn't use real hardboiled eggs. 1 and 2 1/2 year olds tend to drop them and CRACK! However, both Lilly and Vic are fans of eating them and they are waaaaay better for you than candy- so never mind, Mr. Bunny. Violet slept, like usual, through all the festivities. Not to neglect her cutie-ness, though.

Next we enjoyed what should be a traditional Easter lunch at Jack's BBQ, the best ribs that aren't my dad's. That reminds me, Dad, you should make some ribs soon! :) Lilly hasn't tasted your master smoked BBQ skill yet. But boy does she love the stuff, and the baked beans.

Lastly, Easter bowling. Vic was able to roll the ball... and sadly, scored higher than me. Monk wasn't near big enough, so she just got to don Vic's doggie backpack/leash and run wild. It was so painfully cutie that we rushed out the next day and got her her own monkey one. Yay!

That about covers it for Easter. Love all ya'll!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Bisque-y Business- Monka and the Spoon!

Well- I guess it has been a little while since I have written a Monkey Blog.. I am sorry for that, but I guess I have just been living in the Monkey Moment!!

This week has been crazy, bi-polar weather and all! As you can see, we were having a little bath-time fun with our favorite Daddy and our favorite toothbrush. I think she is almost ready for potty training because every time she is sans-diaper she doesn't have an accident. Maybe I should wait until she understands more of what I am saying. But I tells ya, she mimicks a lot of what I say now. It is very very cutie. Jay would call it her cute-rate (like Karate) skills.

Whats more, Violet is turning into a little people too! I have a picture here for ya'll where her eyes are actually open. You can see the little booties that a lady who frequents our neighborhood breakfast joint knitted her. Too much! What a good girl she is too, sleeping in at least 4 hour blocks most nights. It is so nice to have such wonderful kids.

Monka is getting her 5th tooth, her right top eye tooth, to be exact. You wouldnt know it from the devouring of Tomato-Basil Bisque that she did with Jessie and I though!

Soup isn't a chewy food, but she tried anyways. You can see that little tongue sticking out with concentration while she uses her hands to eat it!! She really did finish the whole bowl too. That was tuesday- today she ate sushi with Sarah and I, three pieces, miso soup, and all of my ginger. I made sure she only had crunchy shrimp roll though, because I don't think she should go full in to the raw stuff yet.

Speaking of, we had a sushi rolling and homemade sake drinking party this past sunday, and I am starting to suspect that all the friends we have here are only interested in us because of our awesome kids. :) No complaints there!

Lastly, we have been frequenting the duckie pond by our house, and Lilly has almost mastered "duck". We are also teaching her to blow kisses, maybe she can combine the two? That may be too much awesome though. In any case, I put Squeaker in the baby backpack, and hold Monk's hand, and we walk ALL the way around the pond- a half mile. What marathon kids!!

Lastly, I wanted to add a blast from the past. This picture was from this day a year ago- with Baby Monkey at the Atlanta aquarium. How far weve come...

Life is good! :)